Privacy Policy
Last updated: 01.11.2024
This PRIVACY POLICY is part of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE of the SITE ( and describes how CECAFÉ – Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil, a legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ under No. 03.449.280/0001-08, headquartered at AV NOVE DE JULHO, 4865 ANDAR 6 CONJ 61/A, sole and exclusive owner of the domain, hereinafter referred to as “CECAFÉ”, collects, stores, uses, processes, associates, protects, shares and processes your information, including your personal data.
This PRIVACY POLICY will inform you how you can access, correct, update, manage and delete your personal data.
This PRIVACY POLICY has been drawn up in accordance with Brazilian law, including but not limited to Law No. 12.965/14 (“Marco Civil da Internet”), its regulatory decree (Decree No. 8.771/2016), and Law No. 13.709/18 (“Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados” or “LGPD”).
It is important to note that CECAFÉ is an association of social rights defense associations that offers event management services to its corporate clients or associates (the “USER”).
The reading and acceptance of this PRIVACY POLICY is a necessary and indispensable requirement for the use of the services of the SITE and for the participation in the respective event. It will be very difficult, even impossible, for CECAFÉ to offer its services for participation in the EVENT if you refuse to allow CECAFÉ to collect and process your data.
CECAFÉ uses the data collected to provide, maintain, protect and improve the overall quality of its services. Data collection also serves to protect CECAFÉ and its USERS. CECAFÉ does not collect more data than is necessary to fulfill these purposes.
All words spelled in capital letters herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in accordance with section 1 of the TERMS OF USE.
1.1 In order to take part in the COFFEE DINNER & SUMMIT CECAFÉ, you must register on the SITE, operated by JALAN using the form by providing personal information.
1.2. Before completing the registration, interested parties must confirm that they accept and agree to the TERMS OF USE as well as the PRIVACY POLICY of the WEBSITE. Once the registration has been completed, USERS are aware of and show their consent to the collection, use, storage and processing of their data to be carried out by CECAFÉ.
1.3. After registering on the WEBSITE, by submitting the personal information provided for in item 1.1 above, the USER will have an access credential to access and use the WEBSITE. This password is personal and non-transferable, and the USER is responsible for keeping it safe and confidential.
1.4. The collection and use of USERS’ personal data by CECAFÉ is for the purpose (all purposes together shall be simply referred to as “Purpose”):
(i) To assist and complete the registration for participation in the COFFEE DINNER & SUMMIT CECAFÉ EVENT by the USER;
(ii) To enable the USER to be given a credential by the PARTNER, with which he/she may access all the premises and stands of the EVENT;
(iii) Improve our commercial and promotional initiatives and analyze the pages visited and searches made by USERS in order to improve our offer of content and products, personalize content, its presentation and services;
(iv) To send USERS messages about new events, services, advertising, promotions and banners, news about CECAFÉ. The USER may request to be excluded from the lists for sending promotional or advertising messages. To do so, simply click on the unsubscribe option at the bottom of the message received and the process will take place automatically, or request it by emailing
(v) Share the USER’s personal registration data with the EVENT’s service providers and exhibitors, in order to improve or facilitate the operations carried out within the scope of the EVENT, such as, but not limited to: accreditation services, stand attendance, payment, server storage, among others;
(vi) Communicate any content updates (“newsletters”) about the EVENT.
1.5. The USER hereby authorizes CECAFÉ to send e-mail and/or text or voice messages, SMS or telephone calls to the telephone number (landline or mobile) provided in the registration, about the update of the SITE or about the content and information of the EVENT.
1.5.1 The USER may, at any time, unsubscribe from any of the e-mail lists via a link contained in the e-mail message itself, with the option to unsubscribe. Unsubscribing from e-mail lists containing promotional offers or updates to the WEBSITE will not affect and/or prevent the USER from using the WEBSITE.
1.5.2. Exclusion and consequent cancellation may not occur immediately, due to maintenance and/or updating of active servers. However, if termination takes longer than expected, the USER may contact CECAFÉ directly to inform us of their situation by sending an e-mail to, or by calling (11) 3079-3755 .
1.6. Under no circumstances will the USER’s personal information be disclosed or sold to third parties, except:
(i) by court order;
(ii) in the strict fulfillment of legal duty;
(iii) to enable registration and participation in the EVENT, also via operation of the SITE, as contracted by the USER;
(iv) if intended for companies belonging to the CECAFÉ group, including parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates;
(v) by authorization of their holders, under the terms of this Privacy Policy, or future specific consent; and
(vi) in the event of a change in the ownership or control of CECAFÉ, due to a merger, acquisition or sale of assets.
2.1 By participating in an event, the individual authorizes, free of charge and without consideration of any kind, that any image and sound recording made in connection with the event, by video and/or audio recording and/or photograph in which he appears, may be used, reproduced, modified and transmitted in any medium known or unknown to date and, in particular, on social networks or on its Sites, by CECAFÉ within the meaning of the regulations in force, or its partners/suppliers, during the period of exploitation of the video and/or audio recordings and/or photographs.
3.1. The COFFEE DINNER & SUMMIT CECAFÉ EVENT WEBSITE may use “cookies” to improve USER navigation and recognize a constant USER. Cookies are small text files stored in internet browsers. This feature makes it possible to identify USERS and target documents according to pre-established parameters, such as USER interests and preferences, without storing personal data.
3.2. It is possible to reject the use of cookies in browsing by configuring the browser used, or by configuring the browser to send a warning when a cookie is used and/or downloaded. If the USER wishes to block and/or delete cookies, CECAFÉ may not be able to restore any preferences, interests or personalization previously specified, and the ability to personalize the online experience may be limited.
4.1. The sharing of the USER’s personal information with third parties will be restricted to the EVENT exhibitors and as necessary for the provision of the SITE services, in accordance with the purpose set out in item 1.4 (iv and v). The USER hereby expressly consents to and allows said sharing.
4.2. CECAFÉ only allows sharing with third-party companies that have confidentiality agreements with it and/or its PARTNERS.
4.3 Sharing with exhibitors who capture the barcode printed on the USER’s credential, subject to the USER’s in-person consent at the time of collection.
5.1. CECAFÉ stores the data collected on an external server contracted from a PARTNER, constituting a cloud-based database, and affirms that it employs and uses appropriate information security practices in all its systems and infrastructure, including physical and digital security measures aimed at guaranteeing the protection of its information. These measures include access controls, encryption in transit and at rest, SSL implementation, firewalls, among other international authentication and data storage mechanisms and protocols.
5.2. The security system used by CECAFÉ, however secure it may be, is not completely immune to attacks by third parties, such as hackers or crackers. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the absolute security of the database or that the personal identification information provided by the USER cannot be intercepted when transmitted over the Internet. CECAFÉ shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the leakage of personal information due to the violation or breach of Internet security barriers by third parties such as hackers or crackers, provided that it demonstrates that it has done everything in its power to prevent such leakage.
5.3. The security measures described above apply to your personal information only from the moment CECAFÉ collects it and for as long as it keeps it in its custody. CECAFÉ is not responsible for the operation and security of the equipment you use to access the WEBSITE or the network over which the data travels.
5.4. The USER’s personal information is stored in a reserved database with access restricted to authorized persons, who are obliged by contract to maintain the confidentiality of the information and not to use it inappropriately.
6.1. The USER may request access to, update, correct or delete, in part or in full, their personal data registered on the WEBSITE, through a reserved area accessed by means of an access credential. In the event that the USER requests the complete deletion of their personal data, this will mean the closure and impossibility of using the WEBSITE, since certain minimum data is required for CECAFÉ and its PARTNERS to be able to provide the services correctly and adequately.
6.2. Even if the USER deletes his/her account, CECAFÉ may retain the USER’s personal information and data, as permitted or required by law, especially if the USER still has any outstanding obligations with CECAFÉ and/or its PARTNERS.
6.3 General and personal data shall be kept by CECAFÉ only for as long as reasonably necessary, taking into account its need to respond to inquiries or solve problems and comply with legal requirements under applicable laws. CECAFÉ
will keep general and personal data for a maximum period of five years, if there is no specific legal requirement.
6.1. CECAFÉ reserves the right to make alterations, modifications and/or deletions to this Privacy Policy, and in the event of alterations that are considered relevant, i.e. that reduce or alter rights attributed to the USER, they shall be communicated by CECAFÉ with adequate prior notice, through the SITE and/or by sending a direct message to the USER.
8.1. If you have any questions or doubts regarding this Privacy Policy or the data processing carried out by CECAFÉ, please contact us at