It is with great pleasure that the Council of Brazilian Coffee Exporters (Cecafé) announces the 9th edition of the Coffee Dinner & Summit, to be held on May 25 and 26, 2023, at Um Rooftop São Paulo, in the city of São Paulo.
The Coffee Dinner & Summit stands out as one of the main global forums, bringing together around one thousand people and leaders from all coffee segments in Brazil and around the world during the two days of the event, with the objective of promoting business prospection, creating commercial opportunities, sharing experiences, and networking, bringing together agribusiness players and coffee lovers in a spacious and cozy environment.
Under the theme “Manufacturing growth: its challenges and opportunities in ESG times”The Coffee Dinner & Summit also aims to promote debate and reflection on the economic, climatic, regulatory, and logistical challenges, especially the sustainable initiatives developed by Brazil and other coffee nations that respect the criteria of socio-environmental governance.
As the largest coffee producer and exporter in the world, Brazil shipped 39.4 million bags to 122 countries in 2022, reaching a record exchange revenue of US$ 9.2 billion. With this performance, coffee stood out as the fourth most important item on the export agenda of Brazilian agribusiness, generating income for more than 264,000 producing families and opportunities for 255 exporting companies.